Shift assignment dates

You can shift assignment dates forward or backward for a course section. This is helpful if a day of school is canceled because of weather, or a last-minute assembly is scheduled for an upcoming school day.

To shift assignment dates:

  1. Log on to the Staff view.
  2. Click the Gradebook tab.
  3. Select a class section, and click the Assignments side-tab.
  4. Select Options> Shift Assignment Dates. The Shift Assignment Dates pop-up appears.
  1. In the School days to shift box, type the number of school days you want to shift the selected assignments. Then, click the drop-down to select Forward to shift the dates forward, or Backward to shift the dates backward.
    Note: The system uses the school calendar shared by the majority of students in the class section when determining the next or previous school dates.
  1. Below Dates to adjust, select the checkboxes to determine which assignment dates you want to shift:
    • Assigned: to shift the date assigned
      Note: If you shift the date assigned for an assignment ahead of its due date, the due date automatically changes to match the new date assigned.
    • Due: to shift the date due
      Note: An assignment’s due date can only be shifted back as far as its date assigned.
    • Submission open: to shift the online submission open date
    • Submission close: to shift the online submission close date
  1. Select the Update grade terms as needed checkbox if you want the system to update the value in the Grade Term ID field for the assignment, if the new date(s) are in another grade term.
  2. Notes: Administrators can lock a grade term after it ends. When a grade term is locked, all assignments associated with it are read-only. When you shift assignment dates, Aspen:

    • Skips any assignment that is read-only (locked).
    • Will not update an assignment's grade term to a locked grade term.